HEXS (Introduction)

What is HEXS?

The fast-paced advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping our relationship with technology. Despite these advancements, the advantages of AI are not equally accessible to everyone. There's a growing concern about how computing power and data are a luxury for small companies and independent individual developers.

This circumstance creates a power imbalance that can limit competition, innovation, and access to AI tools for smaller companies and individual developers. Smaller companies and individual developers won't be able to monetize their research and training also compete at par with these organizations as they lack the required infrastructure.

Hexs is a decentralized computing platform and a marketplace for AI developers, offering the ability to customize AI models for specific niches. These fine-tuned models can then be integrated directly into end-user applications, with developers remaining anonymous. The platform leverages the Akash Blockchain for cost-effective computing resources, making AI model training accessible to individual developers.

Our Vision

  • Providing a platform for open-source devs to monetize their research and training

  • Democratizing computational resources for training Artificial Intelligence leveraging Akash Blockchain

  • Preserving anonymous Identities for these open-source developers.

  • Distributed Ownership for AI Models for Fair Revenue.

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