
HEXS has something cooking for AI and Web3

  • Hexs provides a framework where developers have the opportunity to enhance existing models by creating different fine-tuned agents. After fine-tuning and refining these models, developers can re-upload them onto Hexs, where they can be monetized. Importantly, the original model creator continues to benefit from this process by receiving royalties from the updated versions.

  • On Hexs, developers have the opportunity to earn income by monetizing their modified (fine-tuned) AI models. As these models generate revenue from end users, each developer involved in the chain of fine-tuning receives incentives proportional to their contribution percentage. This incentivizes collaboration and fair compensation for developers who contribute to enhancing and deploying AI models on Hexs.

  • This percentage of revenue which goes in as incentives is calculated by taking into account various factors like model trends, generations by users, ratings, etc.

  • Hexs also offers computation power and resources leveraging Akash Blockchain which is an inexpensive and feasible source to train AI models by individual developers.

  • Hexs offers a marketplace where end users can try out these modified(finetuned) models and buy them.

  • Hexs is a decentralized platform so users can perform all of these by staying anonymous.

Last updated