Need for HEXS

One-stop solution

Hexs serves as a one-stop solution for developers by offering a comprehensive platform that addresses key needs in AI development. The platform provides access to a wide range of high-quality, fine-tuned AI models, enabling developers to leverage these models efficiently for creation of new fine-tuned agents and research. Moreover, Hexs facilitates the monetization of developers' research and training through a marketplace where refined models can be sold, offering inexpensive referencing to users utilising the work of independent developers and small firms encouraging incentivization to open-source developers within the Generative AI community. This integrated approach supports developers throughout the entire lifecycle of AI model development, making Hexs an essential tool for accelerating and commercializing AI projects.

Chain Driven Innovation

Hexs offers developers a complete solution by providing access to a wide selection of high-quality fine-tuned agents that serve as base models for further refinement and development. Within Hexs, developers can collaboratively fine-tune each other's pre-existing agents deployed as base models, creating a chain of iterative improvements. The developer whose fine-tuned agent becomes a bestseller earns revenue from end-users, while royalty rewards are distributed to contributors who helped develop the base model chain. For example, if an agent initially generates images of horses, another developer can fine-tune it to generate images of white horses, and subsequent developers can further refine the model to specialize in generating images of unicorns.

In this collaborative process, if a specialized model such as the unicorn generator gains popularity and generates revenue, a portion of the royalties will also be distributed to the developers of the white horse model and the original horse model developer. This royalty distribution acknowledges and rewards all contributors in the development chain whose models laid the groundwork for subsequent innovations

Incentivizing Open-Source Contributions

On Hexs, developers can profit from their research and training efforts based on the revenues generated by their AI models from end users. Each developer involved in creating this version of the fine-tuned AI model is rewarded according to their contribution percentage.

The percentage of revenue allocated as incentives is determined by factors like model popularity, usage by end users, ratings, etc. This fair compensation approach ensures that developers are appropriately rewarded for their contributions to the success of AI models on Hex, encouraging continuous innovation and collaboration among developers.

Decentralized Computation

Training and researching AI models requires a lot of computing power and resources, which can be expensive for individual developers or small firms because of the high upfront costs involved. Hexs bridges this gap by providing access to computation power and resources through the Akash Blockchain, offering an affordable and practical solution for training AI models. Users can tap into the GPUs and processing units of their choice based on their requirements and they will be only charged as per their usage.

Economical Alternative for Generative AI Inferencing

Hexs is a platform that offers an affordable alternative for Generative AI inferencing to users by leveraging Chain-Driven Innovation, incentivizing open-source contributions, and employing decentralized computation strategies.

By implementing Chain-Driven Innovation, Hexs encourages a collaborative approach where improvements and innovations build upon existing work, fostering continuous development and refinement of AI models. This approach not only accelerates progress but also ensures that advancements benefit the broader AI community.

Hexs also incentivizes open-source contributions, acknowledging the valuable role of developers and researchers in enhancing AI accessibility. By providing recognition and potential rewards for contributions, Hexs empowers open-source contributors to actively participate in shaping the future of Generative AI.

Furthermore, Hexs utilizes decentralized computation strategies to optimize resource allocation and ensure equitable access to computational resources. This decentralized approach enhances efficiency, reduces costs, and promotes a more inclusive ecosystem where diverse contributors can thrive.

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